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Choices | 抉擇

In the first place, I was being told of the mixed reviews on the movie
After all, I still decided to put my bet on it, to buy a ticket of Ang Lee’s latest work “Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk”
I won’t comment much on how’s the movie was being filmed, at least not as an amateur movie critic
I just wish to briefly write my observation of elements that provoked my interest

The protagonist in the movie faced an indecisive dilemma
Should he
Stay to take care of his family, where he was heavily relying on, spiritually.
Or return to his military service to fight for peace?
At this moment I think of a passage from “Existentialism” on Jean-Paul Sartre’s student asking for his advice
He was indecisive too
Whether to stay to look after his mother living in solitude
Or to join the Revolutionary war to fight for his country
Aren’t this is similar to what was faced by the protagonist in the movie?
If his decision falls on the first he would be able to fully concentrated look after his family, even though the beneficiary target is comparatively insignificant
If his pick on the latter, he would be part of the National Glory, although collectively his contribution is negligible
What is in my mind is: Isn’t our life just a practice of choice?
Indeed, you can’t have things both ways
Satre would say: “You are free, therefore choose - that is to say invent. No rule of general morality can show you what you ought to do: no signs are vouchsafed in this world”
It is true that human is shaped by what he did, nothing more than that. Hence human need to be responsible for his choice, he has to establish his own principle of making a choice
Therefore in between to be a patriotic soldier or an obedient child, the right of choice still fall on himself, he has to be responsible for his own choice

P.S.: With the absent of beautiful fantastical image that rendered in “Life of Pi”, this movie honestly exposed the realistic ugly side of the society, both movies opened an opportunity for you: imaginative fantasy or brutal truth; and, the celebration of war victory or public’s despise on war. No matter which side you are on, we need to bear the responsibility for what we choose.


電影拍的如何我不多加以著墨 反正我也不是專業影評人

若取前者它他將得以專心照料他的家人, 即使獲益的對像是相對極微的;
取後者的話他會成為榮耀的一份子, 即使整體來說他是微不住道的.
魚與熊掌, 實在難以取捨.
這時沙特會對 你說: 你是自由的, 你是可以自由的做抉擇, 世上是沒有絕對的標準來告訴你的抉擇是否成立.
是的"人是自己所造就而成的,此外無他", 人有責任且必須作抉擇, 而且必須選擇他們作抉擇的原則
因此介於富有愛國情操的士兵與孝順家庭的孩子, 選擇權仍然歸之於他, 他需要為自己的選擇負責任.

題外: 雖然電影少了"少年Pi的奇幻漂流"華麗夢幻的畫面, 卻赤裸裸的彰顯出社會醜陋的一面. 兩部戲讓你深思當你選擇相信美麗的科幻故事以及鋪天蓋地的慶功, 我們需要為這個選擇負責任.

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